Alpine Republic is a project of source communication & information and covers our IOS- and Apple TV development. Game Apps for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV as well as sticker sets for the iMessenger. 

iMessenger Stickers

Potato Stickers Original

Our first sticker pack for iMessenger

Little Dictator 2
Little Dictator 1 was too extreme for the App Store... which we accept and understand.
So our first little Dictator Sticker set is No2.

Love & Emotion - the art of Biwi Lechner
Our first Art Sticker Pack presents the art of Biwi Lechner, which says so much in so few lines.

Japanese Cult Beetles - オオクワガタ + カブトムシ
Fine animations of the most popular beetles of Japan. Comparing Google search results, beetles are more popular in Japan than in Germany by a thousand times.

IOS Apps

Apple TV 4 Apps


Presidential Race - Driver's Challenge
To our big surprise the result of our President Election Game was the same as in real life - Donald Trump won.

Support your candidate - get into the car and drive! You are the driver - and it's your job to get your candidate to the finish line first. Choose your side and pimp your ride!


Multiplayer fun
You challenge the recorded run of another player, who drove for the rival candidate. You always have the choice between two runs. If you succeed in the race, you win a vote for your candidate. If you lose nothing happens - then you can either try it again or go on to a new challenge. The races are not live - but you do compete against the times of real players.